Saturday |  October 10, 2020

Pastors are overworked. PERIOD.

A proper job description for a pastor would fill a book. At various times, and often at a moment’s notice, they are called upon to be preachers, teachers, counselors, maintenance fixers, administrators, financial experts, building project supervisors, crisis managers, and so much more. They are called upon at all hours of the day and night, and have been known to leave family celebrations and vacations to tend to their flock. They make numerous sacrifices and carry huge burdens. And if you asked them to do even more … they will.

And then came 2020 … and everything changed. In addition to everything else, pastors had to find a way to continue to “be the church” when the doors closed. They were called upon to reinvent the wheel and instantly become tech savvy. All while listening to a myriad of opinions regarding whether services should be online or in person and whether masks should be recommended or required. 

October has become known in church circles as “Pastor Appreciation Month”. If your church has never celebrated, this is definitely the year to start! If your church has celebrated in the past, do it up BIG this year!

At FMF Financial Services, we deeply appreciate our pastors. We are grateful for each and every one. It is our hope that we can come alongside our pastors as a ministry partner to help ease some of the burden. We want every pastor to know that we see you … we support you … we love you.



How to Find an Online Therapist
What is the best way to find online therapy services for my anxiety and depression? I just turned 63 and have become increasingly hopeless since the COVID pandemic hit and cost me my job. I need to get some professional help, but I’m also high risk for…
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IRA and 401(k) Designated Beneficiary Options
Each year, IRAs and 401(k)s are subject to required minimum distributions (RMDs). Because the distributions start at just under 4% at age 72 and then slowly increase, many IRA and 401(k) plans earn more than those payouts and will continue to grow.
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Economic Impact Payment Deadline Extended
On October 5, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service announced that the deadline for non-filers to register for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) has been extended to November 21, 2020. This extension provides an additional five weeks to apply for an Economic…
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Current Gifts
As is the case with many families, there are times each year when Jim and Sharon focus their attention on gift giving.
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Content from Crescendo Interactive. 


We believe that with effective counsel and financial management, each person can multiply the impact of the resources entrusted to their care. 


Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

FMF Financial Services

8050 Spring Arbor Rd
PO Box 580
Spring Arbor, MI 49283
(517) 750-2727: phone
(517) 750-2752: fax