Saturday | May 21, 2022

Stewardship Well Done Journey

Step 8 – PLAN

Roadblock #1 – I’m not rich.

Do you remember Richie Rich? He is a comic book character whose middle name is literally a dollar sign (Richard “Richie” $ Rich, Jr.) Richie has a dog named Dollar (a dalmatian with dollar signs instead of spots) and a friend named Mayda Munny. Wikipedia describes Richie as “the only child of fantastically wealthy parents and is the world’s richest kid. He lives in an expensive mansion and owns at least two of everything money can buy.” The comic book and cartoon series perpetuated many stereotypical ideas about the rich, but also tried to break down some common misunderstandings.

One common misconception that persists today is that you need to be rich to benefit from a financial plan. Anyone with a serious desire to bring all the pieces of their financial puzzle together and work toward financial wholeness can benefit. A financial planner can help you sort through the mountain of financial information available and determine what best applies to you; offer an objective third party opinion; answer questions when life takes unexpected turns; and help you stay on track by avoiding emotional financial decisions.

If you are ready to do your financial homework with the help of a trusted guide, consider engaging with a financial planner. You may not have a butler, chauffeur, and supersonic jet like Richie Rich, but you can have a financial plan!



Travel Discount Tips for Seniors
What are some of the best travel discounts available to seniors? My spouse and I are about to retire and are interested in traveling more but live on a tight budget.
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Bypass the Estate Tax
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 created permanent rules for federal estate planning. These principles are helpful in creating estate plans, since there now is reasonable certainty.
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IRS Highlights Improved Taxpayer Service
The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on May 18, 2022 to discuss ways for the IRS to improve the taxpayer experience. IRS Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer Kenneth Corbin stated, “I am a firm believer that taxpayer service remains…
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Property Turns Into Income
Miranda lived in the family home where she and her spouse had raised their children. After her spouse passed, Miranda found it increasingly difficult to care for her home.
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Content from Crescendo Interactive. 


We believe that with effective counsel and financial management, each person can multiply the impact of the resources entrusted to their care. 


Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

FMF Financial Services

8050 Spring Arbor Rd
PO Box 580
Spring Arbor, MI 49283
(517) 750-2727: phone
(517) 750-2752: fax