Stewardship Well Done Journey Step 6 – DEBT
Pay off all credit card and consumer debt.
Money can be a cruel master. Debt binds people up and creates fear, shame and worthlessness. These feelings, understandably, make people want to hide. They hide from responsibility, hide their behavior from their spouses and others affected by it, and they hide from accountability which could really help them be free. If you feel like you’re drowning in debt, please know that all is not lost. Hopelessness is not your inheritance in Christ. Do not give in to fear, shame, and accusation. There is no condemnation in Christ and there is a way to freedom.
We invite you to visit our website for several resources regarding debt. You can read an article with a case study on a veterinarian with over $300,000 in student debt. There is also a small group study guide for you to explore this topic with others. You will also find practical methods, techniques, and tips for getting out of debt.
Runners often describe miles somewhere between miles 18 and 23 as the hardest part of a marathon. One website describes it this way: At this stage, runners are physically exhausted and mentally exhausted. So, this is where they’ll struggle the most to keep going forward, resulting in a mental struggle that’s equal or more intense than the physical. Between the 18th and 23rdmile is also where runners might experience the infamous – hitting the wall – feeling. This also applies to Step 6 on the Stewardship Well Done Journey. There is no doubt it is one of the hardest. But remember, you are not alone. Others have gone before you and successfully completed this step. We join them in cheering you on all along the way!