It can be overwhelming to consider all the items that need attention upon the death of a loved one. In a time when emotions are high and energy is low, simply getting started may seem like a monumental task. We have put together the following information with the hope it will enable you to begin taking the steps needed following the death of a loved one. It is not an exhaustive checklist, but we trust it will put you on the right path toward settling the estate.
Before you get started, we want to encourage you to take time to grieve. Other than the funeral arrangements, most tasks do not need to be accomplished within hours, or even the first few days, of your loved one’s passing. Surround yourself with family and friends. Laugh and cry together as you remember your loved one and begin to come to terms with your new reality. Your physical and emotional health care very important. Take an appropriate amount of time before tending to all the details, and especially before making any long-term binding decisions.
As you work your way through the process, remember, it is not necessary to tackle everything on your own. The professional experience and advice of an attorney, accountant, or financial advisor, while perhaps not required in every case, can be invaluable. Even a brief consultation can give you knowledge and confidence as you move forward.
FMF Financial Services would be happy to serve as a resource to you. Our Christian professionals are ready to give of their experience and expertise to assist you. It would be our privilege to see you in this time.