Thank you for traveling on the Stewardship Well Done Journey with us over the past several months! Even though we have arrived at Step 9, the journey is never truly done until you step onto Heaven’s shore. Periodically you will find yourself revisiting or re-evaluating some of the steps. For example, getting a raise at work might send you back to Step 2 to take another look at your budget. Becoming an empty nester may send you all the way back to Step 1 to review your priorities and perhaps set some new goals. Switching jobs may send you back to Step 5 to consolidate retirement earnings from previous jobs and make sure you are maximizing opportunities at your new job.
Over the next several weeks, we are going to re-explore some of the steps along the journey. We want to offer practical advice regarding some common questions and hang-ups you may encounter as you travel along. If you have a particular question you would like us to address, simply email us. We will compile the responses and address them as we can in upcoming editions. In the meantime … happy traveling!