Stewardship Well Done Journey
Step 9 – LEGACY
Roadblock #3 – It’s Too Complicated!
Each industry has its own language. Theologians speak of eschatology, sanctification, and hermeneutics. Musicians discuss vibrato, toccatas, and cadence. Auto mechanics refer to catalytic converters, powertrains, and struts. Unless you are experienced in a particular industry, chances are you may need a dictionary to understand what is being said.
Legacy professionals also use terms you probably don’t hear every day. Terms like charitable remainder unitrust, bequest, split interest gift, appreciated property, qualified charitable distribution, or donor advised fund. But these are simply tools in the legacy toolbox to help you accomplish your goals. It is not necessary for you to understand each one in order to have a conversation.
When you are ready to talk about your legacy, we are ready to listen. Forget the terms and jargon, just tell us your stories, ideas, and dreams. We will listen and then explain the tools we think will maximize the impact of your legacy. It’s really that simple!